Sunday, February 15, 2009

new posts...

Hello! I know I just posted enough reading material for the next century but I hope no one minds! I actually am writing this note to tell you that it's not updated to the current day. Only until last weekend, so I'm sorry for that. The internet has been a bit better and so I thought I would get a few up here so you could read. Again, I appologize for the long wait and I hope that you're still wanting to read! I miss you all SO much and I wish you all could be here enjoying this experience with me.

Much love,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even though we are not with you physically. We are always with you in mind and spirit. I know God will continue to bless you on this journey, and continue to fill your heart with love. So keep on smiling until we meet again and God continue to bless!! In prayers always.

In Jesus and Mary,

Joshua "Jennifer" Thorn

"Where does love begin?
In our own homes
When does it begin?
When we pray together
The family that prays together stays together"
~ Mother Teresa